유튜브 카카오채널 카카오채팅
DKM News - Various marketing activities of DKM such as press release, news letter, etc.
PROPAK ASIA 2019 Bangkok, Thailnad
   DATE : 2019-06-28 11:29:49 HIT : 1,041
    _덊럹_댁_ _낅줈_쒖궗吏__ъ씠利덉“__20190628.jpg ( size: 2.35 MB / downloads: 358)

We participated in PROPAK ASIA 2019 Bangkok, Thailnad from 12th June to 15th June, 2019 with our distributor PNEUMAX in Thailand.
We displayed new products FX3000 and Helicorss gearbox.

<BITEC Bangkok, Thailand>
<Cooperation Organization : Marketing support center of Incheon Technopark>

22117 인천광역시 미추홀구 염전로 292(도화동 692-1)    Tel. 032 574 7788    Fax. 032 578 7787
Copyrightⓒ 2011 DKM Motors Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
