유튜브 카카오채널 카카오채팅
Notice - Notices of DKM
Participation in Seoul Pack 2012
   DATE : 2012-10-04 14:04:05 HIT : 3,486
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DKM Motor Co., Ltd. will participate in the exhibition "Seoul Pack 2012" in Ilsan, Korea.

* Exhibition Name:
Seoul Pack 2012
- Seoul International Packaging Show 2012

* Location:
KINTEX (in Ilsan, Republic of Korea)

* Date:
23rd(Tue.)-26th(Fri.) October 2012
10:00~18:00 (Tue/Wed/Thur)
10:00~17:00 (Fri)

* Hall / Booth Nr.:
Hall 3 / K601

* Exhibits Profile:
- Packaging Machinery
- Packaging Materials, Packaging Material Converting Machine
- Packaging Containers
- Machinery for Packaging and Processing of Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic
- Food Processing and Packaging Machinery
- Labeling Machinery, Printing Machinery and Materials for Packaging
- Machinery for Inspecting and Testing
- Packaging Design
- Materials, Equipment and Technologies for the Environment
- Associations and Institutions in the Packaging Industries

Seoul Pack is the only packaging exhibition in Korea where Official Packaging Associations and their members will participate from Japan, China, USA, UK, Italy, Germany, Taiwan, Malaysia, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Pakistan etc.

Seoul Pack 2012 is expected to welcome international participation from 4 national groups and independent exhibitors from up to 35 countries. Buyers are expected to exceed 40,000 trade professionals as business and investment continues to rise in Asia and around world.

Please take an interest in our participation in this exhibition.

Thank you.

* Seoul Pack 2012 Website

22117 인천광역시 미추홀구 염전로 292(도화동 692-1)    Tel. 032 574 7788    Fax. 032 578 7787
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