유튜브 카카오채널 카카오채팅
Notice - Notices of DKM
Participation in INSTALACJE 2012
   DATE : 2012-04-12 15:34:02 HIT : 2,011
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DKM Motor Co., Ltd will take part in the exhibition INSTALACJE 2012 in Poland.

* Exhibition Name:
International Trade Fair for Installations and Equipment

* Location
Poznan International Fair, in Poland

* Date:
23rd - 26th April 2012

* Exhibition Themes:
① HEATING: Heat Generation and Heating Technology Exhibition
② VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING: Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Cooling Technology Exhibition
③ FM AREA: Building Technology Exhibition
④ AQUASAN: Sanitary Technology Exhibition
⑤ GAS: Exhibition of Technologies for the Gas Industry

INSTALACJE is the biggest event in East-Central Europe addressed to the installations sector. This year our partner RAVEO s.r.o. also participates in the exhibition and will play an important role as our co-exhibitor.

Please take an interest in our cooperation in Poland!

Thank you.

22117 인천광역시 미추홀구 염전로 292(도화동 692-1)    Tel. 032 574 7788    Fax. 032 578 7787
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