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Notice - Notices of DKM
Participation in SIMTOS 2012
   DATE : 2012-03-30 09:56:18 HIT : 1,664
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DKM Motor Co., Ltd will participate in the exhibition "SIMTOS 2012" in Ilsan, Korea.

* Exhibition Name:
SIMTOS 2012 - Seoul International Manufacturing Technology Show

* Location:
KINTEX (in Ilsan, Republic of Korea)

* Date:
17th(Tue.) - 22nd(Sun.) April 2012

* Hall/Booth Nr.:
Hall 8/ Booth 8A967

SIMTOS 2012 will be divided into six brand pavilions by exhibit product; ① Metal Cutting & Die, Mold Working, ② Press & Metal Forming, ③ Cutting-Off & Welding, ④ Tools & Related Equipment, ⑤ CAD/CAM, Measuring System & Robotics, ⑥ Parts, Materials & Motion Controls.

SIMTOS 2012 is a comprehensive exhibition held with a scale of 100,000sqm is twice larger than that of the previous show and more than 800 companies from 30 countries take part in this exhibition so that it becomes one of the world top manufacturing technology show in which much more foreign buyers and exhibitors will seek to join.

It also becomes an ideal place in which DKM can present the high-qualified products and meet their potential customers.

Thank you for your interest and support.

* SIMTOS 2012 Website

22117 인천광역시 미추홀구 염전로 292(도화동 692-1)    Tel. 032 574 7788    Fax. 032 578 7787
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