유튜브 카카오채널 카카오채팅
Notice - Notices of DKM
Summer holiday notice
   DATE : 2019-07-11 14:50:41 HIT : 777

We would like to notify our summer holiday.

Summer Holiday : 31st July - 4th August

Please note above the schedule and we hope you do not have any setback in your business due to our summer holiday.

We will come back after having recharge and hope you enjoy your summer holiday as well.

Thank you.

22117 인천광역시 미추홀구 염전로 292(도화동 692-1)    Tel. 032 574 7788    Fax. 032 578 7787
Copyrightⓒ 2011 DKM Motors Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
